Monday, October 17, 2011

From Thoughts to Truth.

Time passes by quickly. Days become blurs and is punctuated by hours of sleeping that feel more like naps. It seems that the only refreshment available come with the sip of a Chai Tea Latte or a walk during the first hours of the morning.

Yet, God is good.
Though our time seems as if it flies over our heads, God continues to purge Matt and I’s hearts. We continue to learn what it means to walk in the Spirit, to be a representative of Christ and each other, and are being taught by the Holy Spirit personal lessons for our own reflections.
Our days have been compiled with vulnerable moments, travel days, and a sifting of our hearts. We went to Tel Aviv's beautiful beaches, where we took a dip in the warm Mediterranean, and where the water was calm as the sun shone brightly. The sand was softer than anything we've known, and the experience of pure beauty.


Towards sunset, we stopped to read the account of Peter getting the vision from God that told him that he, as a Jew, was able to have meet. We just happened to be in the same town it occurred. 

On Yom Kippur we hiked from our hotel to the Mount of Olives at 4 in the morning. There we did class, worship, and saw the sun rise.

Though we do miss home and love every person that's supported us, we apologize that we haven't updated more often. We have an extremely busy schedule coming up. This week we will be visiting a couple different cities, there will be a boys and girls night, and then we will be doing archaeological excavations at what is believed to be John the Baptist's home and Solomon's temple. After that we will be traveling, and we do not know another day that will be free.
Jerusalem is truly a place that is a Refiner's Fire. God is teaching us vital lessons and exposing our hearts; He calls us to obey as He purges, and we must take it all stride by stride, hand in hand. Please pray for us. Often our hearts are heavy, but our burden is light. We long to glorify God, and not think of ourselves or of men. May we gain eternal eyes and the right heart. We want the Consuming Fire to burn us until we perfectly reflect our Maker. We pray for the present, and we pray for the future. 
Great is His faithfulness.

May this Consuming Fire in Jerusalem refine my heart to produce pure gold. May that gold be the substance that ties my heart to Matt’s, and may we only be dependent on a connection that is purely from God. Prayerfully, I want to see him as a ministry in which I give all efforts to- not because I believe that he deserves it or I am obligated, but because God has called me to love. God has called me to love without fear, to love with myself abandoned, with my thoughts not even encircling my own self. God has called me to live, to live a life that has unrestrained freedom because it stems from an unfathomable Source of Love. God has called me to a life that has no boundaries. No walls, no barriers, no fears, and no restrictions. I am to be flexible in circumstances, and pliable in heart. And may the Truth that I know and Truth that has given me opportunity to live in such pure and undefiled religion- may these Truths teach me to love; a love that is both firm and free. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

From Yom Kippur to Succot

So so very much to say,
certainly too much to articulate at a single point.

We here in Jerusalem are certainly blessed.
We here in Jerusalem are certainly tried and tested.
and the two are not mutually exclusive.

If this city's namesake really does mean Peace,
then it surely fits.
Not that the city is peaceful, but rather, that the peace of God, surpassing understanding, is that much more necessary.
Necessary to maintain a joyful disposition.
Necessary to see through the fog of disguise, to see the blessing beyond.

My test has been to set aside my preconceptions of what is best.
If i ask God for a fish, and He gives me a piece of bread, am i to argue?
of course not.
i trust the omni- benevolence and sovereignty of God.
I trust His transcendent wisdom.

22 people all with the same schedule, all with unique and individual walks with the same Saviour God.
It is beautiful.

We were blessed the other day to take a trip to the Jerusalem Holocaust Memorial and Museum (name?).
I had previously been to the Holocaust Museum in New York, giving me a certain frame of reference.
We were there, without rest, for ~4 hours, and still were not exhaustive with the available material.
One facet emphasized by our guide before we began, was the distinction in perspective this museum takes when contrasted with the others around the world. He said that most often the history is taken from the viewpoints of the Nazis: that their own history and brutality is told through a cold lens of objectivity.
However, this Museum focuses rather on the perspective of the victims.
While exhibits detailing the torture and mistreatment of the Jews are present, they are precluded by half a museum dedicated to testimony, personal artifacts, etc.
In essence, I concluded that while other museums focused on the inhumanity of the Holocaust,
This museum rather focused on the humanity of the Holocaust's victims.
It was very powerful.
In fact, the Israeli government requires all foreign dignitaries to take a trip to it, before beginning their other business. Evidently, Chondolisa Rice was turned away because she refused to go through the exhibit.

Just a short time ago, Yom Kippur was celebrated here. and today is Succot, the feast of Tabernacles. The feasts are very interesting, and are worthy of their own posts (perhaps sometime in the future).
Suffice it to say, we as 3 month fixtures get to see the waves of religious observers: orthodox Jews in peculiar hats, Loud and obnoxious Pentecostals from the American Mid West, Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Priests and Nuns, Chinese Christians pilgriming to Israel to preach the Gospel back to its source; even most obscure "Christians" who dress as Jesus and wander around like vagrant Hippies.

In other news, Kristin and I do our best to involve ourselves with our peers, staying a social couple that doesn't distant ourselves. we have been blessed with the encouragement of others about our relationship; we have been graced with the respect, appreciation, and support of those here.

Yet we still try to find time regularly to meet and convene with one another, to stay on the same page, and enjoy one another's company.

Through it all, Kristin and I count ourselves blessed, and prayerfully and pensively consider our future; educationally, vocationally, locationally, romantically, etc.

Pray for our time, and our campus, as we seek to find and learn that which has been prepared for us by God.
- Matthew

Monday, October 3, 2011

From Then to Now.

Last week we drove to Bethlehem and had class in the caves of the Shepherd’s Fields, where the angel appeared to the shepherds.
Twas astounding to imagine seeing it at night, with a thousand clear stars, two thousand years ago. 

“And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with fear. And the angel said to them,”Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Chris the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,
“Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”
-Luke 2:8-14